Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The first recorded instance of veiling for women is recorded in an Assyrian legal text from the 13th century BCE, which restricted its use to noble women and forbade prostitutes and common women from adopting it..   A Bride is a picture of Heaven on Earth to man. And the beauty of the bride is sealed behind the Veil. And only one person that has prepared him self can go behind it.

In Judaism, the tradition of wearing a veil dates back to biblical times. According to the Jewish Bible,  Our Father instructed Moses to build a picture of Heaven on Earth. This first Worship Place had two rooms, in the first room ONLY those that where chosen and had prepared them selves to be in the presents of GOD could enter without fear. But the second room was VEILED and only  ONE PERSON could go Behind The Veil. This same picture Applies to us because Heaven is VEILED from us. Since Heaven is Veiled from us we live as if Heaven is not real. Not preparing ourselves to go behind Veil from Earth to Heaven the invisible GOD becoming Visible. JESUS has removed the Veil that blocked or blinded us from seeing HIS Beauties. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;  Matt. 27:51   Now that the Veil had been removed all of us THAT HAS PREPARED OUR SELVES CAN  enter behind the Veil. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  John 14:2   After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, the synagogues that were established took the design of the Tabernacle as their plan. The Ark of the Law, which contains the scrolls of the Torah, is covered with an embroidered curtain or VEIL called a parokhet .  Even after JESUS removed the VEIL that blocked us from seeing HIS BEAUTY and Heaven. Our Jewish brothers and sisters has placed the Veil back over The Word of GOD and there hearts.  HEAVEN IS BEHIND THE VEIL DO YOU SEE IT, CAN YOU ENTER..

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