Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Whites in the Civil Rights Movement who fought, and sometimes, died for the cause of blacks...

Liuzzo, who hailed from Detroit and was a mother of five and the wife of a Michigan Teamster union official, was shot to death in her car on March 25, 1965, while shuttling fellow activists from the historic march. Liuzzo's passenger, covered with her blood, played dead and waited until the attackers left before going for help.

African-American James Chaney, 20, and his white, Jewish allies Andrew Goodman, 20 and Michael Schwerner, 21, are unforgettable for their work registering voters in Mississippi – and for their murders on June 21, 1964. Their bodies were found buried in an earthen dam, after the three were beaten and shot at close range.

James Reeb, a 38-year-old Unitarian Universalist minister, came to Selma, Ala., from Massachusetts in 1965 to support voting rights for African-Americans. On March 9, Reeb and two other Unitarian ministers were savagely beaten by a group of white men. Reeb died on March 11.

Don't allow yourself to be moved by a few, stay in the game!!!